Friday, July 31, 2009

mad friday

heloooooooow! mau ngepost lagi nih gue wakakak :3
jadi berawal td pagi gue sekolah, gue otw blablabla pas nyampe di sekolah.............TELAT! ughhhh udah gitu kan gue wakil ketua kls jadi gue mesti ngambil kotak amal di piket (seharusnya sih ini kerjaannya ketua kls tapi krn sean agamanya kristen ysdhlah). nah pas masuk2 abis salim2 sama guru gue buru2 mau ngambil kotak amal kan, EH gua ketemue "si bening", adek2annya karina wakakak (hah? bening? iya soalnya mukanya bening kinclong cool). lumayaaan lah pagi2 udah cuci mata huahua, pas di piket..................KOTAK AMALNYA ABIS! shhhhhit deh yaudah gue pasrah menyerah dan langsung ngebut lari ke kls, udh gitu anjeeng gua malu abis kelas gue kan di sebrangnya lapangan, jadi gue lari di tengah2 lapangan -______- you can imagine deh gue lari2.
oh iya! hari ini juga 'bad uniform day' buat gue! baju muslim gue ini jd korban.
pas sblm ke sekolah kan gue make sepatu, trs tangan gue yg satu lg megang lantai di baju gue (ngerti ga?), pas gue mau bangun gue denger bunyi "SREEEET!" ternyata......baju muslim gue bawahnya r-o-b-e-k (bacanya apa? ROBEK) aaaaaaa gue panik kan langsung, untung ada nykp gue, nykp gue langsung kasih peniti deh yipppppey! thanks mom :D.
its Kit Kat(breaktime)! gue mau ngambil bb gue di cengir kan, trs gue blg "ngir mau ke kantin ga?", trs cengir jawab "yaudah yuk gue ini mau ke kantin", yaudah gue ke kantin kan berdua cengir. nah kan gue beli spaghetti ya, trs kayanya ibu2nya terlalu baik sm gue di spaghetinya dia ngasih daging supeeeerduper banyak&saosnya jg banyak! wihiwwww thanks bu :D but one thing that you forgot bu...........MANGKOK SPAGHETTINYA KEKECILAN! bahkan bisa dibilang terlalu kecil. nah, lo bisa bayangin kan mangkok kecil, tp dagingnya banyak? dagingnya menggunung dong kan? ya udah gue duduk samping mesjid feat cengir kan, masih kebayang gak sama spaghetti yg tadi? gue bingung bgt makannya gimana!! yaudah pasrah menyerah deh gue makan tumpah2 cengir sampe blg "ihhh tumpah2" gue jwb "ini dagingnya loh ngir ganahan banget". dan begitu tumpah2...................yes you guest it, DAGINGNYA TUMPAH2 DI BAJU GUA! hhhhhh pasrah menyerah lah gue.
biarlah...kurela...baju muslim...gua, kotor (BGM: nidji - biarlah -..-)

ini lah spaghetti yang menyusahkan itu



guess what i've found...........cage shoe! bentuknya sih rada aneh gue blg, bentuknya kaya kandang burung, but its cool (Y) p.s: its cool bukan gara2 kaya kandang burung loh

what is cage shoe

its this!
aaah gatau kenapa deh ya kok gue masih ngidam bgt punya nike sb? karena harganya rada MAHAL dan NYOKAP GUE GASUKA BEGINIAN mending kita liat gambarnya aja ya~ huhu

tuh! nike sb yg peacock! siapaaaa coba yg gamau huhu :'(

huehue okay lets forget about my sb(?), sekarang kita liat crocs! whooopie gue lg nabung loh buat beli crocs wihihihi :3

left: pengen yg silveeeer, right: oh gosh cute bggggggggt yg ini gue pengen pengen bgt!
huehueheu kayanya kalo mau punya semua itu NGAREP ya. ada lagi nih yg lg suka dipajang di majalah2, namanya oxford shoe<3!

butuh perjuangan nyari gambar ini doang nih di google..but, this is nice rite'?
yaaaay kalo ini sih gue udah pesen sama mbak2 facebook, katanya dia suruh sms dia, tp pas gue sms...MALAH GADIBALES -_____- (itusih blm mesen ya namanya?) wahahaha

udah deh ya segini dulu kalo gue majang foto2 sepatu lg ntar dikira jualan, bubyee
Aya Paramitcha

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

another celebrity scrap!

this is my fave celeb this month awawaw
p.s: anggap gue ini fotografer foto2 ini wakakak

1.Cory Kennedy!
i love her style sampe sekaraaang, simple and comfy just like me, p.s: cory kennedy pekerjaannya apa ya?

2. Zac Efron!
abis nonton 17again, gue jadi terpukau liat senyuman indahnya uaua. EH LIAT OTOTNYA!

3. Selena Gomez!
hmmm sebenernya sih gue lebih suka sm dia dibanding miley atopun demi hehe. she is cute, fresh, and a natural actress/comedian. btw, is she a latinna?

4. Lady GaGa!
yaa walopun lady gaga udah rada gajaman lg tapiii i still love her music! and and gue naksir abis sama rambutnya yg bisa di pita, its cool (Y) thats why i pick this pict :p

5. Chris Pine!
oh you are sooooo charming and i love charming boys! dia maen di star trek kan ya? huuu aku blm nonton :'(

thats it! just 5 hueheu gue gatau lg mau scrap siapa ajaaaaaa
Aya Paramiths

the most heart breaking song

menurut gue sih ini ya hehe tp gue lg ga heartbreak sih -..- cuma mau ngasih tau doang kalo lagu ini sangat menyentuh hati para2 heartbreakers

Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
hit the "play full song here" button if you want to hear the song FULL hahah!

Verse 1

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now
Verse 2

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
Cause sooner or later it's over
I just don't want to miss you tonight

And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am
Verse 3

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything seems like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know your alive


And I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I don't want the world to see me
Cause I don't think that they'd understand
When everything's made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am
I just want you to know who I am


do you love me? or dont you? i cant stop thinking of you

Sunday, July 19, 2009


ya all heard that kmrn(jumat) ada bom marriot&ritz? satu kata buat teroris yg ngebom..."TAI". tuh teroris apaga punya rasa kemanusiaan ya? gila deh ya fcuk lo. hm selamet ya buat teroris yg berhasil ngebom tapi selamat juga ya buat masuk ke neraka yg lebih dalem dari jahanam (copycat kata2 orang gua haha). nih ya gara2 lo ris(teroris):
1. Marriot hotelnya ancur(again)
2. Ritz juga ancur
3. Si budi ga jadi main bola, soalnya hotel budi di bom. MU huhu :'(
4. Presiden katanya jadi sasaran tembak, lu maunya apasih sama presiden yg tak berdosa ini (ea)
5. Beberapa tempat kaya mall dsb ditutup, yaaaaa contohnya PIM~~
6. Dan yang terahir yg bikin gue naek darah..GARA2 LU GUE GABOLEH JALAN, tmn2 gue jg sebagian banyak gaboleh jalan.


Salam tonjok,
Aya Paramitha nt. teroris(who's agree with me?)