Thursday, September 24, 2009

spell my name

hellooooooo bloggski
happy ied day! (yaya i know its telat) for those who celebrate. yes, im a moslem. stop asking.

many people ask "why your nickname is Aya?", "your fullname is not relate with your nickname", "why is your fullname changed to Aya Paramitha?" im getting bored with those questions so i explained here. some peeps know my real full name is Namira Prajna Paramitha, and the jawa's name is Ra.(Raden Ajeng) Namira P.P. but why i changed it to Aya Paramitha? well first, is not for "gaya2an", but because its too long and its too hard to remember it, so i singkat to Aya Paramitha, im not changing it but i make it more pendek. two, it a suggestion from my sister, when im making a facebook with my big sis i said "apa ya namanya? kayanya npp kepanjangan deh..." my sister have an idea and write this on the fullname for fb "Aya Paramitha" wow thats cool, and alhasil nama gue di fb sampe sekarang Aya Paramitha hahah.

nickname? its simple. my sisters name is Ayes and Tyas, biar seirama my mother nicknamed me Aya, so Ayes Tyas Aya HAHA penting bangeeeeet,
okay, fyi that my nickname is Aya, PLEASEEEEE call me Ay, cause Ya is confusing me! i dont know the difference between people saying ya(iya) and ya(my name)! sometimes i get wrong when people saying "ya" -____-
now, spell my name.




123, A-y-α, what? AYA! :D

p.s: turut berduka cita with my friend, Sean. his father died because of a heart-attack. you know him if you're following my twitter, when school days, he sit (always) in front of me and i often taking candid picture of him&upload it to ubertwitter hehe. his father is very nice, dia pernah minjemin gue pulsa...iklhas lagi. when i hear that he's dead, to be honest, im shocked. fyi, pas bgt td gue baru mikir "apakabar ya sean? bapanya si sean jg pakabar ya?" trs denger dia meninggal, siapa yg ga kaget coba?. so, selamat jalan om winar, semoga diterima disisi-Nya, may god bless you, Amien.
xoxo, Aya Paramitha

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


hey bloggggggie~
maaf baru ngepost abis mudik nih gua wkwk. btw you had read "10 things" post rite? gue mikir daripada repot2 ganti ini itu di blog ini, kenapa ga gue bikin blog baru aja. jadi semua lebih fressssssh kan! yayaya i know gue lemot begonya gue baru kepikiran skrg kalo bikin blog baru aja, but its a good idea rite? jadi di blog yg ini isinya tentang life of gue aja hehe. i've shopping a lot this week, new clothes, new skirt(yippie), new pants, new accecories, sigh. so for the other blog(my new blog whices not yet i make) fashion is still pending. and please, if youre a blog master(org yg jago ngurus blog-_-) pleaseeeeee help me finding a new template and how to categorized my new blog, cause you know....IM GAPTEK. apa blog gue yg baru gue buat simpel aja ya? simple is beautiful you know..


Aya Paramithzz

Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 things

hey blog! miss me?(cuih)
first, im SO SO sorry for the unreplied cbox, i will reply it soon i promise!
second, i always say yes to exhange link or banner!
third, thankyou for visiting and following, i appreciate it so much!
fourth, i wanna change my blog to a fashion blog, what do you think? (say it on cbox, ok?)
fifth, im working on a big project!
sixth, can you help me making a new template for my blog?
seventh, i'll bring "seputar info" to my blog
eighth, you can contact me on "mine's" just click click click
nineth, mid semester will start on 3 weeks AWCH! wishmeluck :)
tenth, I LOVE YOU! :D

Aya Paramitha